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expanding_window_split(test_size, n_splits=5, step_size=1, eager=False)

Return train/test splits using expanding window splitter.

Split time series repeatedly into an growing training set and a fixed-size test set. For example, given test_size = 3, n_splits = 5 and step_size = 1, the train os and test xs folds can be visualized as:

| o o o x x x - - - - |
| o o o o x x x - - - |
| o o o o o x x x - - |
| o o o o o o x x x - |
| o o o o o o o x x x |


Name Type Description Default
test_size int

Number of test samples for each split.

n_splits int

Number of splits.

step_size int

Step size between windows.

eager bool

If True return DataFrames. Otherwise, return LazyFrames.



Name Type Description
splitter Callable[LazyFrame, Mapping[int, Tuple[LazyFrame, LazyFrame]]]

Function that takes a panel LazyFrame and Dict of (train, test) splits, where the key represents the split number (1,2,...,n_splits) and the value is a tuple of LazyFrames.

sliding_window_split(test_size, n_splits=5, step_size=1, window_size=10, eager=False)

Return train/test splits using sliding window splitter. Split time series repeatedly into a fixed-length training and test set. For example, given test_size = 3, n_splits = 5, step_size = 1 and window_size=5 the train os and test xs folds can be visualized as:

| o o o o o x x x - - - - |
| - o o o o o x x x - - - |
| - - o o o o o x x x - - |
| - - - o o o o o x x x - |
| - - - - o o o o o x x x |


Name Type Description Default
test_size int

Number of test samples for each split.

n_splits int

Number of splits.

step_size int

Step size between windows.

window_size int

Window size for training.

eager bool

If True return DataFrames. Otherwise, return LazyFrames.



Name Type Description
splitter Callable[LazyFrame, Mapping[int, Tuple[LazyFrame, LazyFrame]]]

Function that takes a panel LazyFrame and Dict of (train, test) splits, where the key represents the split number (1,2,...,n_splits) and the value is a tuple of LazyFrames.

train_test_split(test_size, *, eager=False)

Return a time-ordered train set and test set given test_size.


Name Type Description Default
test_size int

Number of test samples.

eager bool

If True, evaluate immediately and returns tuple of train-test DataFrame.



Name Type Description
splitter Callable[[LazyFrame | DataFrame], Tuple[LazyFrame, LazyFrame] | Tuple[DataFrame, DataFrame]]

Function that takes a panel DataFrame or LazyFrame and returns tuple of train/test DataFrame or LazyFrame.